Complete Flight Following & Data Forwarding

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Experience Fleet Geo-Positioning & Telematics Data
Accessible Anywhere, Anytime.
Mapping, Messaging and Tracking
Latitude WebSentinel™ subscription-based flight following service offers a reliable and affordable solution for processing geo-positioning and telematics data, collected and distributed by SkyNode and GeoNode devices operating on-board aircraft, terrestrial vehicles, and marine vessels. Display both live and historic flight data from your fleet using a variety of map types and data tables. Receive email alerts of events such as take-offs and landings, including customized flight profiles. Remotely configure the operating parameters of each SkyNode and GeoNode satcom transceiver. Add as many viewers, including customers, agents, and employees, as you like.
WebSentinel is a service provided through a renewable monthly subscription. You don’t need to sign a long-term contract. Your monthly subscription automatically renews until you give us notice to terminate your subscription. If you are a seasonal operator, you can deactivate and reactivate your subscription to meet your seasonal schedule. There will be a small reactivation fee.
For customers using proprietary map engines and third-party flight tracking systems, Latitude offers WebSentinel data forwarding on a subscription basis. We automatically forward SkyNode and GeoNode delivered flight data to your servers on an interval frequency managed by you. We do not monitor forwarded data. We strongly encourage customers using the data forwarding option to put in place server-based notification protocols so that flight anomalies and other emergency alerts are automatically delivered to designated recipients on a real-time basis. Set-up fees for proprietary data forwarding are extra.
Latitude WebSentinel subscriptions are sold and maintained separately and independently from Latitude airtime service subscriptions. Fleet discounts are available. For more information on WebSentinel services and to get subscription pricing, please contact us.